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Bridge the Digital Skills Gap in the Public Sector

The public sector is facing a critical moment when it comes to digital transformation. Yet, most organisations admit they don't have the necessary digital skills to meet increasing demands. Is your department equipped to handle the digital future?

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Most Organisations Are Struggling with Digital Skills

"We’re struggling with digital skills. The demands for digital services are rising, and we just don’t have all the skills we need" - UKAuthority attendee

 Whether it’s about keeping up with rapid technological advancements or managing the daily operational needs of digital services, many organisations face similar challenges:

  • Skill Shortages: The right talent isn't always available when you need it.
  • Knowledge Gaps: Teams often don't realise the skills they already have in-house.
  • Rising Costs: Relying on external contractors to fill the gap adds up over time.
UKAuthority Attendee

A short term cycle for investment leads you to either bring in third parties for systems delivery, or use contractors to fill some of the gaps. But you don’t have the chance to develop your own people, which is what we want to do

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Discover How to Bridge the Digital Skills Gap

Explore our insights and learn how your organisation can unlock its full digital potential. Our resources will guide you through practical strategies that you can implement today to build a more resilient and capable digital workforce.

Bridging the Digital Skills Gap in the Public Sector

Discover how public sector organisations can address the digital skills gap. Learn key strategies for upskilling in-house talent, fostering collaboration, and reducing reliance on external contractors.

Report: Closing the Public Sector's Digital Skills Gap

The report highlights the urgent need to build public sector digital skills through local recruitment, training, and knowledge transfer. It stresses reducing reliance on external consultants.

Building In-House Digital Capability in the Public Sector

Public sector organisations must enhance in-house digital capabilities through local talent recruitment, targeted training, and fostering collaboration for long-term success. 

Don’t Let the Skills Gap Hold You Back!

Discover the difference first-hand